Литвин В. В. Побудова онтології архітектурних термінів / В. В. Литвин, О. І. Ремешило-Рибчинська, В. А. Висоцька // Відбір і обробка інформації. Міжвідомчий збірник наукових праць, випуск 44 (120), - Львів 2016.– ISSN 0474-8662. – Стор. 90-96. Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/vioi_2016_44_15.

УДК 004.738.5

В. В. Литвин, О. І. Ремешило-Рибчинська, В. А. Висоцька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© В. В. Литвин, О. І. Ремешило-Рибчинська, В. А. Висоцька, 2016 

The method of the architectural ontology terms development is proposed. It can be used as a mechanism for the provision and distribution of knowledge for definition of the general vocabulary and intellectual queries support in databases on architecture and support of data automated exchange and the architectural educational programs integration. It is proposed to use it for a relevant information search. For example, it is used for sampling pages from the Internet with syntactically different, but semantically identical architectural terms. The content of the research is to solve the application problem of ontology building for intelligent systems of information resources processing of the architectural structure (thesauruses, Web-resources, e-distance learning resources, educational programs, scientific publications, etc.) for textual data sets analyzing of architectural domains. The knowledge base ontology use in intelligent systems for information resources processing of architectural profile helps to solve a number of problems of methodological and technological character that arise during the development of such systems. In particular, Ukraine has a problem of the lack of conceptual integrity and coherence of individual techniques and knowledge on engineering methods for the development of appropriate systems in this area; lack of qualified specialists for software development of architectural direction; stiffness of developed software tools and their low adaptive capacity; complexity of the intelligent systems implementation for information resources processing of architectural profile, due to the psychological aspects. All this demonstrates and confirms the relevance of research problems using ontologies in intelligent systems building for information resources processing.

Keywords: ontology, architecture, term, architectural terms, concepts, relations, set.

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