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Main task of electronic content-commerce systems (ECCS) is to facilitate the information resources work of the moderators, authors, analysts and administrators. The main goal of ECCS functioning is to improve the information resources functionality for users of the content. ECCS selected topical issues range in a content set from various external sources for moderators and authors according to their ranking through the commercial content formation subsystem. The author creates a commercial content according to automatically matched information analysis from various sources of actual content. He also updates the other sources addresses in the subsystem of commercial content formation. Analyst analyzes the target audience activity and ECCS functioning. As a result he develops new rules of statistics and dynamics analyzing of the commercial content lifecycle through commercial content support subsystem. These rules can increase the target audience range; the number of visitors; the unique visitor’s number; repeated visits; the number of visits from search engines; direct visits number; regional visits number; thematic visits number, etc.

Basic infrastructure of electronic content commerce system (ECCS) is extended by more dynamic applications (interactive features): simple request form and content formation based on JavaScript for browser; API for Web-server (NSAPI and ISAPI), which allows the browser to execute the application on the Web-server; dynamic processing servers that convert content from database in HTML-pages (Bereza, Kozak, & Levchenko, 2002), (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009). Effective use of database management system (DBMS) requires the following in architecture WebOLTP: support unstable loads with tracking properties such as queues and priorities request; high-speed connection of the application to DBMS; applications queue and resource management as a the total amount reducing means of resources in system order to achieve of stable performance within online transactions; securing, such as authorization (compliance) for WebOLTP- specific applications; distributed processing of query, taking into account various types of data in WebOLTP environment pages (Bereza, Kozak, & Levchenko, 2002), (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009). WebOLTP is managed dialog of requests processing (Online Transaction Processing OLTP), where the Web is an access means pages (Bereza, Kozak, & Levchenko, 2002), (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009). This applications are suitable for data viewing, but also for operational content processing in real-time, such as banking transactions, orders taking and analysis, interactive work with clients (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009).


The purpose of the work is modeling of information resources processing in ECCS. This allows general approach to design, construction and implementation of similar systems. Such problems solving promotes methods generalization and standardization of information resources processing in ECCS using stages of commercial content formation, management and support. This helps to reduce the construction time for a typical e-business systems building. Such systems implementation allows to reduce time in the production of its own commercial content, to analyze outdoor commercial content derived from external sources, to analyze the dynamics of content lifecycle, to analyze the statistics of the ECCS functioning, to analyze the statistics of user activity of information resources in the ECCS, to increase the target audience of information resources and to expand the feature set in ECCS. The result of modeling and development of information resources processing in ECCS is a set of functional requirements and standardized specifications for similar systems creating. The purpose of these requirements is to provide a generalized approach for ECCS developing as an online newswork, online magazine, online publishing, distance learning, online shop for content selling in the form of electronic books, photos, videos, audio and more. The requirements standardization for the ECCS construction provides a generalized approach creating for developers of such systems. This reduces the time for such systems design and implementation with the phase avoidance of the respective project development.

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