Неактивна зіркаНеактивна зіркаНеактивна зіркаНеактивна зіркаНеактивна зірка


  1. Lytvyn, V.,Uhryn, D.,Fityo, A. Modeling of territorial community formation as a graph partitioning problem. EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies. №1/4(79). 2016. PP.47-52.
  2. Lytvyn V. V. The similarity metric of scientific papers summaries on the basis of adaptive ontologies. Proceedings of VIIth International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design, Polyana, Ukraine, 11-14 May 2011. Lviv : IEEE; LPNU, 2011. PP. 162.
  3. Lytvyn V. An approach to intelligent agent construction for determining the group of bank risk basing on ontology. Actual Problems of Economics. №7(121). 2011. PP. 314–320.
  4. Lytvyn V., Tsmots O. The process of managerial decision making support within the early warning system. Actual Problems of Economics. № 11(149).
  5. Vasyl Lytvyn, Natalya Shakhovska, Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Dmytro Dosyn Searching the Relevant Precedents in Dataspaces Based on Adaptive Ontology. Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering: International journal. Lviv, 2012. Vol.2, Num.1. PP.75-81.
  6. Vasyl Lytvyn Mykola Medykovskyj, Natalya Shakhovska, Dmytro Dosyn Intelligent Agent on the Basis of Adaptive Ontologies. Journal of applied computer science. 2012. Vol. 20, № 2. PP.71-77.
  7. Lytvyn V. Design of intelligent decision support systems using ontological approach. An international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. Lublin-Lviv. 2013. Vol. II. No 1. 1-38.
  8. Lytvyn V., Dosyn D., Smolarz A.An ontology based intelligent diagnostic systems of steel corrosion protection. Elektronika. Poland. N 8. 2013. РP. 22-24.
  9. Lytvyn V., Semotuyk O., Moroz O. Definition of the semantic metrics on the basis of thesaurus of subject area. An international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. Lublin-Lviv. 2013. Vol. II. No 4. P
  10. Vasyl Lytvyn, Mariya Hopyak, Oksana Oborska.Method of automated development and evaluation of ontologies’ qualities of knowledge bases. Applied Сomputer Science. Vol 10(4). 2014. P
  11. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Web Content Processing Method for Electronic Business Systems. International Journal of Computers & Technology. Vol 12, No 2. December 2013. PP. 3211-3220. ISSN 2277-3061. [Online]http://cirworld.org/journals/index.php/ijct/article/view/3299. Impacr factor 1,532. (Index Copernicus, NASA ADS, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Eyesource, EBSCO, CiteSeer, UlrichWeb, ScientificCommons, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database).
  12. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Designing features of architecture for e-commerce systems. MEST Journal (Management Education Science & Society Technologie). Vol.2 No.1.– PP. 57-70 [Online]. ISSN 2334-7171, ISSN 2334-7058 (Online), DOI 10.12709/issn.2334-7058. This issue: DOI 10.12709/mest. http://mest.meste.org/MEST_1_2014/_06.pdf, http://mest.meste.org/MEST_1_2014/K1_eng.html.
  13. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Analytical methods for commercial web content processing of information resource in electronic business systems. MEST Journal. Vol.2 No.1. PP. 57-70 [Online]. ISSN 2334-7058. – http://www.mest.meste.org/MEST_Najava_clanaka.html, http://mest.meste.org/MEST_Najava/IV_vysotska.pdf.
  14. Andriy Berko, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Features of information resources processing in electronic content commerce. Applied Computer Science. ACS journal. Volume 10, Number 2. Poland, 2014. ISSN 2353-6977 (Online), ISSN 1895-3735 (Print). PP. 5-19 [Online]. www.acs.pollub.pl, http://www.acs.pollub.pl/index.php/-current-issue/vol-10-no-122014.html, http://www.acs.pollub.pl/pdf/v10n2/1.pdf.
  15. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Life Cycle Model of Commercial Content Processing in Electronic Commerce System. Сomputational Problems of Electrical Engineering. Founder and Publisher Lviv Polytechnic National University. Volume 3, Number 2. Lviv, 2014. ISSN 2224-0977. PP.118-122 [Online]. http://vlp.com.ua/files/special/24_137.pdf.
  16. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Analytical methods for commercial web content processing of information resource in electronic business systems. MEST Journal (Management Education Science & Society Technologie). Vol.2 No.2. PP. 285-300 [Online]. ISSN 2334-7171, ISSN 2334-7058 (Online), DOI 10.12709/issn.2334-7058. This issue: DOI 10.12709/mest. http://mest.meste.org/MEST_2_2014/4_29.pdf, http://www.meste.org/mest/Archive/MEST_II_2_2.pdf.
  17. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Set-theoretic models and unified methods of information resources processing in e-business systems. Applied Computer Science. ACS journal. Volume 10, Number 3. Poland, 2014. ISSN 2353-6977 (Online), ISSN 1895-3735 (Print). PP. 5-22 [Online]. http://www.acs.pollub.pl/index.php/-current-issue/vol-10-no-3-2014.html, http://www.acs.pollub.pl/pdf/v10n3/1.pdf.
  18. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Linguistic analysis and modelling semantics of textual content for digest formation. MEST Journal. Vol.3 No.1. PP. 127-148 [Online]. ISSN 2334-7171, ISSN 2334-7058 (Online), DOI 10.12709/issn.2334-7058. This issue: DOI 10.12709/mest. http://mest.meste.org/MEST_1_2015/5_15.pdf.
  19. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Features of the content-analysis method for text categorization of commercial content in processing online newspaper articles. Applied Computer Science. ACS journal. Volume 11, Number 1. Poland, 2015. ISSN 2353-6977 (Online), ISSN 1895-3735 (Print). PP. 5-19 [Online]. www.acs.pollub.pl, http://www.acs.pollub.pl/index.php/-current-issue/applied-computer-science-volume-11-number-1-2015.html, http://www.acs.pollub.pl/pdf/v11n1/2.pdf.
  20. Lyubomyr Chyrun, Victoria Vysotska, Vasyl Andrunyk. Electronic content commerce system development. MEST Journal. Vol.4 No.2. 2015. PP. 120-138. ISSN 2334-7058. http://mest.meste.org/MEST_Najava/VI_Chyrun.pdf.
  21. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. The Means Structure of Information Resources Processing in Electronic Content Commerce Systems. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies (JISCT). Vol 3, No 3 (2015). Punjab, India, 2015. ISSN: 2394-9066. P. 241-248. http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jisct/article/view/134/119.
  22. Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun. Methods and means of processing information resources in electronic content commerce systems. Applied Computer Science. ACS journal. Volume 11, Number 2. Poland, 2015. ISSN 2353-6977 (Online), ISSN 1895-3735 (Print) PP. 68-85 [Online]. http://www.acs.pollub.pl/index.php/archival-issues/vol-11-no-2-2015.html.
  23. Lyubomyr Chyrun, Victoria Vysotska, Rostik Laba. Information resources analysis in electronic content commerce systems. Applied Computer Science. ACS journal. Volume 11, Number 2. Poland, 2016. ISSN 2353-6977 (Online), ISSN 1895-3735 (Print). PP. 48-66. http://www.acs.pollub.pl/pdf/v12n1/5.pdf.
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  25. Dmytro Dosyn, Vasyl Lytvyn, Vira Kovalevych, Oksana Oborska, RomanHoloshchuk.Knowledge Discovery as Planning Development in Knowledgebase Framework. XIIIth 2016 International Conference “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science”. P.
  26. Dosyn D., Lytvyn V., Yatsenko A. DP-optimization of steel corrosion protection techniques in the intelligent diagnostic system. Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials.№ 9.Львів, 2012. PP. 329-333.
  27. Rishnyak I.,Lytvyn V. Modeling and evaluation of project risks in multi-project environment. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, Volume 2014; 4(2).PР. 34–36.

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