Active development of the Internet has increased the need for operational data production/strategic design and implementation of new forms of information services [1]. Documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of the users of an information product or commercial content, and the main object of processes of electronic content commerce [1-2, 12-13, 20]. Issues of design, creation, implementation and maintenance of electronic content commerce system (ECCS) is relevant, taking into account such factors as the lack of theoretical justification of standardized methods and the need for the standardization of software tools to process information resources. There is a mismatch between the methods and means of the processing of information resources and the principles of ECCS [1, 5]. A practical factor in the processing of information resources in ECCS linked to the problem of growing volumes of content in the Internet, the rapid development of electronic business, the rapid spread availability of the Internet, expanding the set of information products and services, the demand for commercial content [1]. Principles and techniques of electronic content Commerce is used when creating the online stores (selling eBooks, Software, video, music, movies, picture), systems on-line (Newsworks, magazines, e-learning, publishing houses) and off-line distribution of content (copywriting services, Marketing Services Shop, RSS Subscription Extension), cloud storage and cloud computing [1]. Work in this area is the world's leading manufacturers of means of processing of information resources as Apple, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Amazon. The theoretical factor processing of information resources in electronic content Commerce is associated with the development of methods and means of formation, management and maintenance of content. In the scientific works of Lande D. researched and developed mathematical models of electronic information flows [4, 14-15]. Zipf G. proposed an empirical law distribution of word frequencies in natural language [14-15]. Authors are described the content lifecycle in the works [3, 6-7, 10-11, 16-19, 21-25]. Kaiser J., Glaser, Lasswell H., Holsti O. will founded and developed methodology content analysis [9, 20]. EMC Corporation, IBM, Microsoft, Alfresco, Open Text, Oracle and SAP have developed specifications Content Management Interoperability Services for Web services interface that enables interoperability between content management systems e-business [8]. The aim of this work is to develop methods and software tools for the processing of information resources to improve the efficiency of electronic content commerce through the increased sales volume of commercial content. The studies were conducted according to the plan of research works of National University “Lviv Polytechnic” in the framework of the state budget theme “Development of methods, algorithms and software for modelling, design and optimization of intelligent information systems based on Web technologies “WEB” (number of state registry. 0102U001171). The study is part of research projects of the Department of Information systems and networks of National University “Lviv Polytechnic”.
The content has several interpretations according to the direction of application [1]. In the field of computer science content is information create content (e.g., texts, graphics, multimedia) information resource; the set of all values and quantities, which operates an information system; some generalized notion of data without predetermined patterns [1-2, 20]. Accordingly, the information resource is a collection of structured and/or unstructured arrays of content in the information system, for example, libraries, archives, repositories, collections, websites, handbooks, dictionaries, banks/bases/data warehouses, systems e-commerce etc. [1]. The market of content distribution provides the technological process of preparation of the operational content available through information resources and dependent on perception, display, and conservation of its values. To study and solve a range of tasks moderators information systems formalize, analyze, format and structure the content. Structuring process is the definition of a unit of content, methods and the order of their combination with each other and the formation of large content items from small [1-2, 14-15, 20]. Formed the content entered in database/data warehouse, where determine its direction and subject matter, for example, electronic publications with a large coefficient of demand from visitors and users of the information resource (Fig. 1). Structured content is concentrated, for example, in ERP/CRM and unstructured content in e-mail, working works of arbitrary format and tools to ensure teamwork and stored, for example, ECMS [1].
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