Market of content distribution provides for the process of operational content preparation. It is available through information resources. Also, it is dependent on its values perception, reflection and preserving. Information systems moderators formalize, analyze, format and structure the content for a problems number processing and solving. The structuring process is definition of content pieces, methods and procedures of their combination with each other. So it is larger elements formation of the content with the smaller [1, 5]. The resulting content is stored in the database and/or data warehouse. There subsystem defines its areas/topics, such as electronic publications with higher coefficient of demand for the information resource visitors/users. Structured content is focused, such in ERP/CRM. But unstructured content is presented in an email, working free-form documents and teamwork instruments and stored, for example, in ECMS [1]. Web content lifecycle is a complex process. Content passes in it during the management through various stages/phases of the publication with a properties set (collaboration, records management, digital asset and versioning management), supported by different technologies [1, 5, 8-21]. Existing e-commerce toolkits provide the system administrator/moderator of different capabilities of content management (form, formalize, organize, add, edit, delete). But they do not solve the automatic processing problem of information resources [1-7]. Therefore, for the content lifecycle is a necessary tool that implements process of automatic formation, management and support of commercial content [20].
Content is characterized by a updatable/modifications time and has set specific properties. Content volume is measured in units of information amounts. Content quantity/quality characterizes the degree of user interest to information resources, where it is [1, 4]. Economic content is part of the economic activity of the e-business subject. Content market Internet-based information technologies of knowledge management are tools that facilitate the e-business operation in the commercial content distribution and its profitability increase to e-commerce subject [1]. Commercial content is the object of sales/purchase between the e-commerce participants [1]. For example, information blocks are divided into syndicates (exchange rates, weather forecast unit), announcement of the other sections/resources content (with reference), reference information (date holiday, events announcements, train schedules), entertainment services and information (the day joke), advertising, information partners buttons and links, statistics buttons.
The model authors of the commercial content lifecycle offer and describe the several stages of the properties set that are supported by various technologies and processes. In some models of content lifecycle is project/content/resource management concept, information architecture, content strategy, semantic print. Different authors suggest different stages of the content lifecycle [8-21]. The main stages (content creation, development, revision, distribution and archiving) are present in almost all of the proposed models [8-21]. The processes, activities, status and role lifecycle of content management are different in models depending on organizational strategies, needs, requirements and capabilities of this models [1, 20]. The examined models of the content lifecycle not solve the problem of its formation and support. They also decide not all of management problems: the content set representation to the end user according to his request, history or information portfolio; automatic creation digests and information portrait; thematic subjects and content duplication identification; interconnection table’s construction and content ratings calculation; data collection from various sources and its formatting; content keywords identification; content categorization and selective distribution. Existing e-commerce systems do not support the entire lifecycle of commercial content. They also do not solve the basic problem of information resources processing as the content formation and support (Table 1). The electronic content commerce system receives complete information about visitors of information resource that allows a marketing system building. The electronic content commerce system allows to collect maximum statistical information for analysis and to use it efficiently (possible to identify information resource location for optimal placement of advertising information, to automate the progress of the advertising campaign).
Table 1. Lifecycle classification of the commercial Web content in electronic commerce systems
Content formation | Content management | Content support |
Content collection/creation (information collecting from various information resources and its formatting). | Content editing (a database formation, their rotation and access organization). | Content structurization (content themes identification, concepts relationship building). |
Content systematization (keywords identification, content duplication, categorization, digests formation). | Content processing (personalization and statistical analysis of users work). | Content analysis (information portraits formation of user and target audience). |
Content distribution (moderators ranking and selective distribution of content). | Content presentation (search in the database, output forms generation, interaction with other databases). | Content generalization (ratings calculation, new events identification, their monitoring and clustering). |
The process of commercial content formation for an information resource provides a link between a input data set from different sources and formed commercial content set, that stored in the corresponding database of the electronic content commerce system, namely ® ® ® ® ® ® , where – the content source, – і-th content from the source, – the data set from relevant sources, – operator of commercial content formation from the content of source to the fixed time with the conditions of content formation, – formed under conditions of r- th commercial content, – set of formed commercial content, – database of content content. The content sources types for subsystems of commercial content formation are: address list of information resources with confidence and the necessary data, address list of information resources with a subscription to their content, a content set from moderators and content authors, a queries list with keywords for search engines. Content formation subsystem provides information collection from various information resources and its formation, keywords identification and duplication finding, digest formation, content categorization and selective distribution.
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