Research linguists in the sphere of morphology, morphonology, structural linguistics have identified different patterns for the word forms description (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009), (Bolshakova, Lande, Noskov, Klyshynskyy, Peskova, & Yahunova, 2011), (Gladky, 1985), (Gladky, & Melchuk, 1969), (Gladky, 1973), (Chomsky, 1956), (Chomsky, 1959), (Chomsky, 1961), (Chomsky, 1962), (Chomsky, 1963), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1958), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1963), (Chomsky, & Schützenberger, 1963). With beginning of the development of generated grammars theory linguists have focused not only on the description of the finished word forms, but also the process of their synthesis. In Ukrainian linguists is fruitful research in functional areas such as theoretical problems of morphological description, the classification of morpheme and word creative structure of derivatives in Ukrainian language, regularities for affix combinatorics, modeling word-formative mechanism of the modern Ukrainian language in dictionaries of integral type, the principles of internal organization in words, structural organization of different verbs and nouns suffix, word creative motivation problems in the formation of derivatives, the laws of implementing morphological phenomena in Ukrainian word formation, morphological modifications in the verb inflection, morphological processes in word formation and adjectives inflection of modern Ukrainian literary language, textual content analysis and processing, etc.
This dynamic approach of modern linguistics in the analysis morphological level of language with focused attention researcher on developing morphological rules allows to effectively use the results of theoretical research in practice for the computer linguistic systems construction of textual content processing for various purposes (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009), (Bolshakova, Lande, Noskov, Klyshynskyy, Peskova, & Yahunova, 2011), (Braychevskyy, & Lande, 2005), (Clifton, 2009), (Grigoriev, & Lande, 2005), (Lande, Furashev, Braychevskyy, & Hryhorev, 2006), (Lande, 2005-2006), (Lande, & Braychevskyy, 2005-2006), (Lande, & Litvin, 2001), (Lande, & Morozov, 2004-2005), (Lande, & Furashev, 2006), (Lande, Furashev, Braychevskyy, & Hryhorev, 2006), (Lande, Furashev , & Grigor'yev, 2006), (Furashev, Lande, Grigor'yev , & Furashev, 2005), (Furashev, Lande, & Brajchevskiy, 2005), (Pasichnyk, Scherbyna, Vysotska, & Shestakevych, 2012). One of the first attempts to apply generated grammars theory for linguistic modeling belongs to A. Gladky and I. Melchuk (Gladky, 1985), (Gladky, & Melchuk, 1969), (Gladky, 1973). Experience and research of A. Gladky and Noam Chomsky (Chomsky, 1956), (Chomsky, 1959), (Chomsky, 1961), (Chomsky, 1962), (Chomsky, 1963), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1958), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1963), (Chomsky, & Schützenberger, 1963) are applicable to the tools developing for textual content processing as information retrieval systems, machine translation, textual content annotation, morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis of textual content, educational-didactic system of textual content processing, linguistic support of specialized linguistic software systems, etc.
At the present stage of development the need of development of general and specialized linguistic systems make active use of applied linguistics and computer information technology. Development of mathematical models for computer speech language systems support allows to realize such tasks of applied linguistics as analysis, synthesis of oral or written text content, description and indexing of text content, texts translation, creation of lexicographical databases, etc. Linguistic analysis of the text content consists of several processes of grapheme, morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis (Gladky, 1985), (Gladky, & Melchuk, 1969), (Gladky, 1973). For each of these stages appropriate models and algorithms were developed (Chomsky, 1956), (Chomsky, 1959), (Chomsky, 1961), (Chomsky, 1962), (Chomsky, 1963), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1958), (Chomsky, & Miller, 1963), (Chomsky, & Schützenberger, 1963). An effective tool for linguistic modeling at syntactic and semantic level of language is a main part of combinatorial linguistics - theory of generative grammars, the beginning of which lays in the work of American linguist Noam Chomsky. He used the method of formal analysis of the grammatical structure of phrase to allocate syntactic structure (components) as the structure of the phrase, regardless of its value. The ideas of Noam Chomsky developed the Soviet linguist A.Gladky (Gladky, 1985), (Gladky, & Melchuk, 1969), (Gladky, 1973), using the concept of dependency trees and components systems for modeling language syntax. He proposed a method of syntax modelling using syntax groups that produce phrases components as units of dependency tree building – such representation combines the advantages of direct constituents method and dependency trees.
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