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The purpose of the work is to propose standardized testing methods and software processing approbation of information resources in ECCS. The formation of ECCS overall architecture promotes the generalization of ECCS information resources technique through the stages of formation, management and maintenance of commercial content in order to reduce the time while constructing e-business common systems. The implementation of ECCS contributes to the reduction of time while production of own commercial content, analysis of external commercial content from other sources, commercial content lifecycle dynamic analysis, ECCS functioning statistical analysis, statistical analysis of information resources user activities in ECCS, increasing of information resources target audience and extension of ECCS functional capabilities. The purpose of ECCS is formation, management and support of commercial content on principles of information resources processing (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009), (Bolshakova, Lande, Noskov, Klyshynskyy, Peskova, & Yahunova, 2011), (Guide, 2012), (Clifton, 2009), (Fedorchuk, 2005), (Lande, 2006), (Lande, Furashev, Braychevskyy, & Hryhorev, 2006), (Pasichnyk, Scherbyna, Vysotska, & Shestakevych, 2012).


ECCS is designed to create common functional requirements and standardized specifications concerning development through processing stages optimization of the information resources in similar systems (Fig. 1). The list of tasks performed by ECCS (Vysotska, Chyrun, 2013), (Berko, Vysotska, Chyrun, 2014), (Ignify, 2014).

  1. Commercial content formation (collecting data from various sources and their formation, identifying keywords and duplication, digest formation, categorization and content selective distribution, content creation, maintaining content, creation of filtering content rules).
  2. Content management (databases formation/ rotation and access to them, subscribing on thematic content, content distribution, personalization of users work, storing of users’ requests and sources, gathering of operation statistics; search providing; output forms generation; information interaction with databases; information resource formation, formation of comments and content feedbacks, voting on content) (Vysotska, Chyrun, 2013), (Berko, Vysotska, Chyrun, 2014), (Ignify, 2014).

Fig.1. Use case diagram for ECCS development

  1. Commercial content support (formation of content stream portraits as well as potential/constant users and target audience; identifying content thematic subjects; formation of content relationship tables; calculation of ECCS content and moderators/authors ratings; detection, monitoring, and clustering of new events in the content streams).

ECCS is used for the implementation of e-business in information service field with active usage of the Internet technology benefits (Berko, Vysotska, & Pasichnyk, 2009), (Pasichnyk, Scherbyna, Vysotska, & Shestakevych, 2012). ECCS is designed to provide information services such as online newswork, online magazine, online edition, online publishing, and online store for selling content etc. It's proposed to use ECCS in order to promote services through publishing houses, newsworks, magazines, news agencies, educational institutions, software development companies or companies which sell content without media. Types of activities where ECCS is applicable: informational (publishing, address and reference, telecommunication, provider), informational and consulting (advertising, marketing, partners reliability testing, distance education) and consulting (legal, economic, medical and other types). The spheres of application of electronic content commerce systems:

  1. for content online sales via online newsworks, online magazines, distance learning, online editions, online publishing, portals containing informative/ entertaining/ children's content;
  2. for content offline sales via such systems as copywriting services, Marketing Services Shop or RSS Subscription Extension;
  3. for saving of various types of content via cloud storage or cloud computing.

ECCS is intended to solve problems related to the rapidly growth of content in the Internet or in the field of e-business activity as well as widen access to information resources through the Internet, active development of e-business, expanding a set of information products and/or services, increasing demand for information products and/or services, technologies and means creation, and expansion of the scope of information resources processing methods.

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