The basis for the design of the complex processing of information resources in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS) a three-level architecture client/server [1] was selected. The process of the content processing occurs on a “client-server application – database”. The request is processed by an application server that communicates with the database and payment system, and when you are connected to the business process of the organization communicates with the appropriate systems. From a technical point of view ECCS is a combination of Web-showcase as a front system and a trading system as the back-office. The main functions of ECCS are information service of the purchaser, order processing, payments, collection and analysis of statistical information.
Active development of the Internet has increased the need of operational data production/strategic nature and implementation of new forms of information services [1]. Documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of the users of an information product or commercial content and the main object of processes of electronic content commerce. The treatment benefits of information resources by means of ECCS stipulated by the growth in the volume of content on the Internet, the rapid development of electronic business, rapid growth of Internet accessibility, expanding of the set of information goods and services, increased demand for commercial content [1-9]. Principles and techniques of electronic content commerce are used when creating the online stores (selling eBooks, Software, video, music, movies, picture), on-line systems (newsworks, magazines, e-learning, publishing houses) and off-line distribution of content (copywriting services, Marketing Services Shop, RSS Subscription Extension), cloud storage and cloud computing. In this area are working the world's leading manufacturers of means of information resources processing, such as Apple, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Amazon, Android, Opera. Factors that hindered the implementation of information resources processing in ECCS associated primarily with the lack of scientifically based methods and tools for creating, administering and maintenance of content [1]. A number of scientific studies is dedicated to this area. In particular, in his works D. Lande researched and developed mathematical models of electronic information [2, 3, 6, 7]. G. Zipf proposed the empirical law of distribution of word frequencies in natural language. In the works of B. Boiko, S. McKeever, A. Rockley the models of content life cycle were describes. The methodology of content analysis was founded and developed by J. Kaiser, Glaser, H. Lasswell, O. Holsti. The EMC Corporation, IBM, Microsoft, Alfresco, Open Text, Oracle and SAP have developed specifications of Content Management Interoperability Services for Web services interface that enables interoperability between content management systems of e-business.
The ECCS software forms the interface with the buyer, and the system functionality based on the company needs. A potential customer has the opportunity to get answers to any question at any time (conditions of after-sales service, advice on the payment specifics, etc) that accompanies the process of buying/selling. Registration/authorization occurs before/after content selecting. In the first case you create a registration entry for ECCS customers for whom you are implementing a special scheme of service and payment. The possibility of registration after selecting the content allows the buyer to remain anonymous and saves time. The system protects the personal information of the buyer, using data transmission over secure channels. ECCS receives full information about Web site visitors that allows you to build marketing system in accordance with her. CMS allows you to collect a lot of statistics for analysis and use it operational (allow to identify areas of our site that are optimal for advertising information, automate the course of the advertising campaign). The publication of additional information is implemented using a separate application server (the area of publications) and electronic databases. ECCS must support the content lifecycle. ECCS involves using IT to communicate trading companies with retail customers, providing a full cycle of content sales. In ECCS the participants are much wider, except for users (sellers, buyers) it includes a number of financial institutions (the issuing Bank, the Bank of the seller/buyer, the acquiring Bank), computer centers, etc. Users are primarily individuals and institutions, social institutions, other types of consumers (legal entity). Sellers in ECCS are different organizational forms of the trade content. The communication network consists of providers, servers, processing centers. The delivery system is the Internet. All components interact in a system of relationships. This is the guarantee of stability and reliability of ECCS. The important elements of ECCS are organizational forms of electronic content commerce, having a single focus onto retail sales providing, but differ in the composition, structure, purpose in ECCS. ECCS provides the introduction, the selection of content categories, checkout, payments settlements, tracing the execution of the order. For the SECC operation has hardware and software components: Web-storefront (front office) on the Web server; electronic catalogues; payment system; CMS. Web-showcase has an active content, is based on the conventional static HTML files or dynamic with the display of the database content. Web-showcase contains information about the name, the profile, the status of the ECCS owner, the range of content and services, means of payment, discounts, guarantees, and terms of content delivery.
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